In English: * The Birth of New World * 4th International Gathering of Circles 2014

14th-17th of August 2014
International Gathering of Circles in Kików
(Międzynarodowe Zgromadzenie Kręgów w Kikowie)
The Birth of New World

*You can book your accomodation and food  for this years Gathering. All details are HERE 
Booking and information:

For the forth time in Poland we are holding
an International Gathering of Circles.

International Gathering of Circles  is the answer to prophecies from all around the world which says that when all races stand together in a circle with prayer, without judgment and in love, the world will be healed. Gathering is an opportunity for like-minded people to come together and share wisdom and knowledge, learn from wisdom of our roots, our quests and searches, share, weave, dream and co-create reality together.

In an atmosphere of Ceremony, dance and song, we will travel through the theme of The Birth of New World from Past, Present, and into the Future, using: Prophecies, Ceremonies, Storytelling, working in circles, fun and getting together, reaching to Teachings that each of us carry within. 

This year's special guests are (in alphabetical order)
Amber Hartnell (USA - Hawaii)  (via a special video recorded for Gathering)  - who is passionately and with love weaving threads of Love into a pattern of a New Paradigme - World of Love and Balance 

Hanna Zielicha Świątkowska (Poland) - a herbalist, guardian of knowledge and old ways, carrying wisdom of plants and ancient ways - roots of Poland.

Mattie Davis-Wolfe and David Thomson (USA)  -
who are American shamanic teachers
(page isn't available)

Storyteller Magda Polkowska (Poland) - guardian of dreams of New World, a mother, traveller and weaver of stories 

Peter, Silke and her Baby Charlotte (German) from the Peace-Reserch Center Tamera in Portugal - community of 170 People, developing a realistic Vision and building a comprehensive model for a peaceful society in all areas of live, based on the ethical principles of trust, solidarity and cooperation with all beings.

Sonya Alicja Bednarek (Poland) - 
nurtures a rebirth of Shakti power on Earth 

 Suzana Grau (Slovenia)  - a midwife of New World
holding sacred spaces for Women
and creatress of Aluna Temple Magazine 

Tanna Jakubowicz-Mount (Poland) - and Elder, a Grandmother, guardian of rites of passage, wisdom of a circle, a transpersonal therapis. Thunder Bear Woman, a pioneer of connecting shamanism with psychology. 
This meeting is about each of us and was created to celebrate our unique gifts and beauty, celebrate life, share knowledge about life experiences and also strengthen existing circles as a new social structure, evolution from “me” to “we”.

It is a special time when we reazlie power of our creating and how to use it in balance and how to co-create new patterns, new realities based on wisdom of our roots. Creating in NOW for the Next Generations.

This year we will be exploring a theme of Birth - a birth of new consciousness - with no fear, an importance of a good birth of babies - exctatic birth, peaceful births, conscious births, motherhood, fatherhood, childhood, birth support - doulas, midwives, birthing our own new selves and all about creativity, co -creation, balance and joy! 

Gathering is very much about discovering each other's gifts so we encourage you to present yourself and your work! You can bring your music, your artworks (it is possible to sell them too!), your tales, stories, ceremonies, instruments, anything you want to share.

You can send your proposal (with time that you would need for that and details and send it to patrycjaart(at) We will see how we can be woven into the program. Maybe not everyone will have a chance to present herself or himself this year but we will do out best. The Gathering will depend on inspiration from its participants. If you have dreams that have been hidden it is time to set them free!!! Please write about them.

Also try to ask yourself : 
What am I willing to give birth to?
How can I support birth of New World?
What is a New World for me..? 

We will honor Sacred Spaces of Feminine and Masculine and sacred space for Childre through Red Tent (the Moon Lodge)  Sacred Tent for Men, Sacred  Children's Tent. 

Red Tent is an ancient tradition for women to gather in a sacred space during menstruation, pregnancy, birth and at times where we need silence and consolation. These spaces for women, away from everyday hustle existed in many cultures all over the world. 
Men's Sacred Tents are an ancient tradition, were Men can empower eachother, reach into their inner power and gently manifest it and heal the world.  
Sacred  Children's tent will be held by a beautiful couple Danka Nowak and Dariusz Matusiak who are organising proecological education camps for children and teenagers since many years (

This Gathering will be composed of lots of dancing, as well as drumming sessions, healing sessions, creative circles, fires and everything that moves our body, mind and soul.

***Please bring your crafts [you might sell some of your arts], sacred objects, instruments, talents, and all that you feel is worthy of sharing with other people.

The Gathering will take place in an unique place, in Workshop Center in Kikow. The Center has been created in Szaniecki Scenic Park in the vicinity of Swietokrzyskie Mountains. It is a magical space for all of those who are searching for a path leading to integration of the body and spirit and want to awaken their consciousness, awareness and compassion. We want to share with the world this wonderful place and the wild space that surrounds it and a fresh, beautiful water that springs from the Earth nearby. 

The Gathering is in English and Polish. 
Booking: zgromadzeniekregow(at)


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